The Fondsdepot Bank

Independent service provider and partner

As the leading fund platform in Germany, Fondsdepot Bank connects markets: independent of banks and asset managers, it offers over 200 sales partners simplified access to investment solutions from a wide range of investment companies as well as custody of their clients' portfolios in custody accounts.

We currently manage around one million investment portfolios with a volume of approximately 61,5 billion euros in assets under administration. Fondsdepot Bank offers investment companies the opportunity to offer their fund products to a broad spectrum of sales partners and end customers and to open up new sales channels.

As the largest liability umbrella in Germany, Fondsdepot Bank also provides the legal, technical and organisational framework for advising and brokering shares in investment funds and asset management products. We provide end clients with simplified access to a comprehensive, independent fund universe.


Current figures on Fondsdepot Bank

Customers of Fondsdepot Bank expect a reliable financial partner they can trust. We are committed to the success of our business clients and the growth of our bank. This commitment is also reflected in our key figures.



Over 25 years experience in the fund business

From an internal settlement unit to the leading leading fund platform in Germany - always a stable partner with high adaptability for our clients. We can look back on more than two decades of experience. During this time, we have always had the foresight to adapt our business model to the future requirements of the market. As a result, we have been able to grow continuously during this time and have become the leading independent platform for the trading and safekeeping of funds in Germany.



Management board

CEO – Philip Laucks

Philip Laucks is Managing Director and, as an experienced expert in the German banking market, is taking on the role of CEO at Fondsdepot Bank. In the course of his career, he has held various top management positions in the Deutsche Bank Group. Among other things, as a member of the Management Board of Postbank he oversaw the integration into DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank and as Chairman of the Management Board of norisbank he drove the transformation from a branch bank to a direct bank. As CEO of Fondsdepot Bank, he will drive the integration forward step by step. This will continue the strategy already initiated with the integration of the FNZ Group as a whole, but also of the Group's two banks in Germany in particular, FNZ Bank and Fondsdepot Bank.

  • People & Culture
  • Sales
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Audit
  • Business Development
  • Information Technology

COO – Sabine Dittmann-Stenger

As Managing Director, Sabine Dittmann-Stenger is responsible for the back office with the divisions:

  • Operations
  • Liability Umbrella
  • Contact Center
  • Information Security
  • Sourcing
  • Risk & Regulatory
  • Account Management

Following her career in the Allianz Group, she joined the company in 2001 and has since been responsible for various business areas such as IT, organisation, the regulatory functions and account management. Previously Managing Director at Gesellschaft für Kontenservice (GKS) - from which Fondsdepot Bank emerged - she was appointed General Manager in April 2013. In October 2013, she was appointed to the Executive Board with responsibility for the market side and has been COO for the market success side since September 2014.

CAO – Pamela Schmidt-Fischbach

Pamela Schmidt-Fischbach is Managing Director and assumes the role of CAO at Fondsdepot Bank. Pamela has been General Counsel of FNZ in Germany for several years. In addition to her expertise from working in various large law firms, she has more than 20 years of professional and management experience in the financial industry. Before joining FNZ, she was General Counsel of the BNP Paribas Group in Germany. In addition, she is still CAO of FNZ Bank and thus has a dual mandate.

  • Regulatory & Corporate Office
  • Legal

CFO – Jürgen Keller

Jürgen Keller is Managing Director and assumes the role of CFO at Fondsdepot Bank. This will further advance the strategy already initiated with the integration of the FNZ Group as a whole, but also specifically of the two banks of the Group in Germany, FNZ Bank and Fondsdepot Bank. In addition, he continues to be CFO of FNZ Bank and thus has a dual mandate.

  • Finance
  • Compliance/AML/Anti-Fraud
  • Data Protection

CIO – Jürgen-Hendrik Kuhn

Jürgen-Hendrik Kuhn is a General Representative and, as a technology expert, takes on the role of CIO at Fondsdepot Bank.
Jürgen-Hendrik can draw on many years of experience in business and IT transformations. For example, he was CIO at HSBC Germany and CTO and member of the management board at Alter Domus. In addition, as part of his work for the consulting firms Alvarez & Marsal, McKinsey and Accenture, he supported clients in the design and implementation of their IT strategy and in the integration of acquisitions. He is also CIO of FNZ Bank and therefore has a dual mandate.

Our responsibility

As a fund platform, we not only assume responsibility for our clients and their investments. As a successful company, it is also very important for us to take responsibility for our employees, our environment and society.


Our understanding of responsibility.

Our affiliation to the Group

We are proud of our group affiliation. FNZ is a global platform provider in the field of wealth management and aims to make wealth creation possible for everyone by enabling all people to create wealth with investments according to their wishes and on their terms.


Our affiliation to the Group

News and dates

The financial markets – and with them Fondsdepot Bank - are constantly evolving. Stay informed with us about the latest news from the financial market, learn more about the latest investment opportunities and find out about upcoming dates. 


Information and dates

Our locations

Fondsdepot Bank GmbH
Windmühlenweg 12
95030 Hof


Fondsdepot Bank GmbH
at WeWork
Taunusanlage 8
60329 Frankfurt am Main


Fondsdepot Bank GmbH
at FNZ Bank
Bahnhofstraße 20
85609 Aschheim